Monday, April 22, 2013

Dear Journal

Dear Journal,

I have gotten through this week with barely any rest. Working was not what I expected it to be. With 19 hour work shifts, I have not made one friend the whole 4 months I have been here because the other five hours are spent sleeping. During the long days, we are not allowed to talk, and we only get one bathroom break. Although I share a cramped room with 9 other people my age or younger, I have yet to ask them their names.
This week I haven’t been feeling very good, but I know I need to keep working to support my family, because soon enough, I am going to have a new baby brother. It has been 7 months since dad has passed away and I know all of us miss him greatly. I haven’t seen my family in a while. I miss my older sister Becca the most because she wasn’t allowed to work in the same building as me.  She has always been there to support me, when I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough to keep going.
I have been waiting 3 weeks now for my mom to write back, hoping she understands that I want to stop working here. I told her that I would start working somewhere else, anywhere but here, but I don’t think she believes me. Plus, we do need the money now. Hopefully she will write back soon, so Becca and I can find someplace else to work together.

I’ll write again soon,